Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat

Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat
Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat
Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat
Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat
Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat
Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat

Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat
Fast deliveries to the customer's home Quality customer service Sophia makes the customers happy! Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremation Urn for Human Ashes, Ground Burial, Home Memorial and Funeral Cremation Urn. VERSATILE MEMORIAL URN: This urn can be kept at home or placed in a niche, but its sturdiness makes it an excellent choice for ground burial. Typically you do not need a separate urn burial vault (which could save you hundreds of dollars at the cemetery), although you should always check the cemetery regulations to confirm. This is an adult size urn. The dimensions of this cremation urn are: 9.75" L x 6.75" D x 6.5 H. Cultured Marble Urns are Beautiful for Home Display. Pair your marble urn with a special memento such as a photograph they loved. Cultured Marble Urns are Durable for Ground Burial. Typically you do not need a separate urn burial vault, which could save you hundreds of dollars at the cemetery. You should always check the cemetery regulations to confirm. Highest Quality Cultured Marble Urns. Durable, USA Made, Waterproof, Sustainable. Features of Cultured Marble Urns from MacKenzie Vaults. We are a family owned, woman powered company dedicated to helping people find the right cremation urn, memorial jewelry or funeral product to hold the ashes of a treasured loved one. 9.75"L x 6.75"W x 6.5H. Metal, stone, ceramic, vinyl, Marble. We offer the best prices around on high quality products. Our E-store includes media such as books, movies, music and games while offering electronics, toys, sporting apparel, clothing, tools, general home, garden items and more. We are always working hard to ensure your package arrives as soon as possible. We do not accept P.

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Cobalt Classic Cultured Marble Cremation Urn for Ashes, Blue, Adult Sized Cremat